الفيديو التالي

UNDER BOOTY - Targeting the “under butt glutes AND hamstrings

259 المشاهدات
Fitness Egypt
نشرت في 03/24/19 / في العاب رياضية

Targeting the “under butt” that nice lifted appearance is a combination of your glutes AND hamstrings so you want to be training both! Here are a few examples of exercises you can do for those muscles
1️⃣SDL’s with a pulse (go deep to really feel the stretch in your hamstring if possible)
2️⃣Cable SDL’s (slow and controlled)
3️⃣Superset: Single Leg RDL’s with Banded Crab Walks
4️⃣Cable Pull Throughs (use your glutes and hamstrings to pull your body back up, not your arms or back)

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