الفيديو التالي

Habib Allah- S2 - Episode 18 (English & French Subtitle).

7 المشاهدات
ATA Animation Studio
نشرت في 05/05/20 / في فيلم والرسوم المتحركة

Habib Allah- S2 - Episode 18 (English & French Subtitle)

The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon
him avoid the fight and despite friction on
the part of the disbelievers and took the
unusual path avoiding their hostilities for
repelling and preventing him from
entering Mecca and with daring and
courage he and his companions trembled
disbelievers of Quraysh and obliged to
send a mediation of the Messenger of
Allah messages urging him to back off
and go back where it came from

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الفيديو التالي