الفيديو التالي

lower body workout for women

3 المشاهدات
Fitness Egypt
نشرت في 02/05/20 / في العاب رياضية

If you think your butt is too small, there are some things you can do to make it bigger. You may not see a significant change in a week, but if you continue to put in the effort, you'll be able to get the results you want.
Drop it low with a weighted squat. Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and your feet in line with another, stick your butt out backwards.[1] Hold a weight in each hand, letting your arms stay to your sides. Moving slowly, squat downwards while keeping the weight square to your chest.[2] Move downwards until at a 90 degree angle. Hold briefly, and using your butt muscles, clench and push back upwards.[3] Try 3 reps of 15.

Donkey kick your gluteus muscles. Start on all fours with hands shoulder width-apart and knees directly below your hips. Keeping one knee on the ground, lift the other leg off the floor, while flexing your abdominal muscles. Lift your leg until your foot is facing the ceiling and your knee is parallel to the rest of your body. Hold and slowly, with control, return your knee back to the original position. Try 3 reps of 20 for each leg.

Complete a butt bridge. Lying down on your back with your hands at your sides, bring your feet flat on the ground just past your bottom. Palms can be either facing upwards or flat on the floor, depending on what is comfortable for you.[5] Keeping your hands shoulder width apart and pressed against the ground, lift your hips up off of the floor until your torso is either aligned or slightly above your legs.[6] Hold this position for a few seconds and then lift one foot off of the floor and straighten your leg out, holding the foot above your body.[7] Bring your foot back down to the ground, and then lower your hips so that you are back to the starting position. Repeat the move on the other side, aiming for 3 reps of 10 per side.

Complete a ballet-inspired plié squat. This move isn't just for ballerinas. Start off by standing with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart and your toes pointing outward by approximately 45 degrees.[10] Hold your hands out in front of you to help balance or amp it up by holding a weight centred in the middle of your chest with both hands. To differ from a conventional squat, push your weight into the balls of your toes and keep your heels off the ground.[11] When your balance is on par, stick your butt out and lower down, like you are sitting into a chair. Squeeze your glutes and thighs as you return back up to the starting position.

Focus on high protein consumption. Proteins are essential for muscle growth and development, so it is important to eat the right kind of proteins.[12] Protein, in combination with right exercise, will result in a definite increase in butt size.

Choose the right type of carbohydrates and fats. There are many diets that say to completely cut out carbs and fat but it is less about removing foods from your diet and more about replacing them with healthier choices. Avoid excess calories and poor food choices by staying away from processed carbs such as chips and pasta.[14]

Stock up on vegetables. Vegetables are often a neglected part of a muscle building diet. By adding vegetables to every meal you will find your energy levels are more consistent and therefore, you’re able to get a stronger workout by not facing tiredness.[17]

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